The Fertility Carousel

Reaching for the brass ring on the fertility carousel (again!). (Because I already caught the brass ring on the infertility carousel and I want to get rid of it!) Two years of trying to conceive, but I finally got baby E. Now we begin going around and around again. Infertility sucks.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Ultrasound #5

Well, from a photogenic standpoint... it's the lousiest picture yet! BUT... all is well and that's what's important :)

My RE told me to make an appointment with my OB, but that she'd have the appointments overlap a little bit, so there's another RE apointment next week, but it might be my last.

Evening sickness continues. Still just horrible nausea and indigestion. Eating more often does help, but it's not the cure.


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