The Fertility Carousel

Reaching for the brass ring on the fertility carousel (again!). (Because I already caught the brass ring on the infertility carousel and I want to get rid of it!) Two years of trying to conceive, but I finally got baby E. Now we begin going around and around again. Infertility sucks.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Beta #3

My 21dpIUI beta is 2196.

We've scheduled the first ultrasound for Friday.

I'm getting less nervous in general and allowing myself to be giddy. But I still worry. The happier I let myself be, the more I think about this pregnancy, the worse I know it will be if something goes wrong.

I'm hoping my high hcg numbers are insurance against bad things happening, but I don't think it works that way. Still, I try to let the giddy feelings outweigh the anxieties.


Blogger Shop Girl said...

Those are great numbers! I have been thinking about you, and am so happy for you. Let us know how the ultrasound goes.

7:27 PM  

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