The Fertility Carousel

Reaching for the brass ring on the fertility carousel (again!). (Because I already caught the brass ring on the infertility carousel and I want to get rid of it!) Two years of trying to conceive, but I finally got baby E. Now we begin going around and around again. Infertility sucks.

Friday, October 20, 2006

7w1d - ultrasound #4

Drove out to Tomball early this morning for an ultrasound (ok, left the house at 8am, early for me, probably not for everyone else, can I help it if I like to sleep??)

The little bugger looks huge compared to last week! Last week was a mostly unidentifiable blob - you could only tell the baby from the yolk sac because the baby was fluttering. This week, the baby is definitly the largest thing in there. Now I don't know if you can tell by these pictures (she's a great doctor, but not such a great photographer, ok?) but in the one on the left, the shape of the baby matches the little picture in the count-down banner at the top of the page! Very exciting stuff :) And we got to see the heartbeat again, only this time it's just at the center of the embryo, it doesn't appear as if the entire blob is fluttering.

Anyway, according to the emails I get from, the little bugger is half an inch long, the size of a raspberry and it now has eyelids, an appendix and a pancreas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Bugger Go !!!!!
I'm thinking if you like to sleep you should be in bed asleep by 9:22 pm. You need your rest!! Are you going to be a good mother?

6:42 AM  
Blogger Paige said...

CONGRATS! He/she looks great!

1:02 PM  
Blogger Shop Girl said...

Jena - that is so exciting! How miraculous to think that the little bundle is growing by leaps and bounds every day. God bless.

3:25 PM  

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