The Fertility Carousel

Reaching for the brass ring on the fertility carousel (again!). (Because I already caught the brass ring on the infertility carousel and I want to get rid of it!) Two years of trying to conceive, but I finally got baby E. Now we begin going around and around again. Infertility sucks.

Friday, July 14, 2006

RE visit - Day 6

So I met with the RE on Wednesday.

Good news is that the visit was free!! So we haven't added to our total expenses quite yet.

The bad news is that it's too late in this cycle to do anything.

The other bad news is that injectibles are the next step. And they are incredibly expensive.

So, with injectibles, you get mature follicles. Sometimes many follicles. You get to go to the RE every-other-day while taking them for ultrasounds and bloodwork. Once you have these mature follicles, you take a shot of HCG to make them drop.

Then you have 3 choices: natural, IUI, or IVF.

We think we're going for IUI.

Oh my God I'm scared.


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