The Fertility Carousel

Reaching for the brass ring on the fertility carousel (again!). (Because I already caught the brass ring on the infertility carousel and I want to get rid of it!) Two years of trying to conceive, but I finally got baby E. Now we begin going around and around again. Infertility sucks.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Anniversary and Last Day in the Office

Today is my 4th wedding anniversary. And it was my last day in the office.

I did go in to the office this morning, but I'm at home now. My boss and my coworker took me out to lunch and then kicked me out - carried my stuff to the car and everything (um guys, it's just a laptop, really, I can carry it myself… carried it home earlier this week didn't I?) My office was all packed up so I didn't argue with them (had to literally pack it up as we are moving offices sometime in July).

So I've been home since 2:30, but still working (at least a little). Sitting on the couch with my feet up.

The baby seems to like it - s/he's very squirmy this afternoon. Not kicking so much as rolling around it feels like. Had some hiccups earlier too.

I go to the doctor tomorrow at 10.

We aren't doing anything for our anniversary today, but plan to go the the M.elting Pot tomorrow for dinner - I've never been, but it sounds cool. It's a fondue restaurant.


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